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The Foundations of BPA Webinar Series focuses on a wide spectrum of bloodstain pattern analysis topics. The series will be broken down as follows to mirror the required knowledge for a certified bloodstain pattern analyst: 


2/19: Foundations of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis 

2/26: Bloodstain Pattern Identification, Interpretation, and Descriptions 

3/5: Bloodstained Scene and Evidence Analysis

3/26: Bloodstained Mathematical Calculations 


All webinars are from 12 PM - 4 PM EST via Zoom. 


This course is perfect for those wishing to study for the IAI CBPA examination or want to increase their knowledge in bloodstain pattern analysis. This course has also been approved for re-certification by the IAI Crime Scene Board and initial and re-certification by the IAI Bloodstain Board. 


Instructor: Heidi Sievers, PhD, CBPA, CCSA


Upon payment, a downloadable PDF will be provided at the checkout screen. This document contains your webinar access details. PLEASE NOTE: The PDF download is only good for 30 days. Therefore, be sure to download the document at checkout and save it to your computer. 


Click here to complete our registration form. 

Fundemantals of BPA Webinar Series
