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40-hour Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Workshop

Clearwater, FL

Cost: $775/student


May 5-9 2025



Hosting Agency: Pinellas County Sheriff's Office

4801 145th Ave N., Clearwater, Florida 33762



The advanced bloodstain pattern analysis training course is designed for experienced investigators who routinely investigate and are involved on bloodstained scenes. The course will enforce and focus on the fundamental principles of bloodstain pattern analysis, introduce advanced mathematical principles, examination of complex bloodstains, sequencing of stains, analyzing textiles and fabrics, report writing, and experimentation. Both lecture and practical, mock scenarios will be incorporated.


It is recommended that students have previously completed a basic bloodstain pattern analysis course or have experience in the field documenting bloodstain patterns. Students will need to bring the following equipment, if possible: DSLR camera, tripod, macro lens, and external flash. Scales and manual calipers will be provided. Please bring a digital caliper if you wish.



  • Reinforce principles of bloodstain pattern analysis on advanced scenario settings
  • Develop and apply scientific methodologies to experimentation
  • Identify, classify, and provide analyses related to complex stain patterns
  • Apply bloodstain pattern analysis methodologies to photograph review


ADA/Special Accomodations: 


To provide our students with the best possible learning environment, please notify of any

requested accommodations when registering. This can be done on the registration form or by

contacting Heidi Sievers directly by email or phone (727-247-4075).


This course has been approved by IAI Crime Scene and Bloodstain Pattern boards. 


Please complete our registration form to provide all necessary information. Click here to access the form. 

Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Workshop
